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Psychedelic Medicines: My Own Thoughts and Experiences

In this article I want to speak a little bit about psychedelic medicines, my experiences, and beliefs about them. In no way do I condone the use of psychedelics, especially in countries where their use is illegal. These are just my personal experiences and opinions.


My Life Changing Psychedelic Experiences


I began smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol around the time I began high school. Drinking was always just a recreational pastime, a way to have fun and socialize with friends. It wasn't until I was in my thirties that I realized alcohol had become a problem in my life. 

I knew I had to quit, but this was no easy task. I struggled for years to no avail. Until I had an epiphany. But this wasn't just a regular epiphany.

One fall day I set out on a solo LSD trip. I always felt that you learn the most from psychedelics while you are alone. I contemplated life for hours as I sat atop a cliff overlooking a large body of water. It was then I realized, in order to cure my addiction, I needed to drastically change my situation.

At the time, I lived with a few buddies who were also heavy drinkers and smokers. I realized that in order to change, I must move out and begin working on myself. That night as I came down from this profound experience, I informed them that I was moving out and leaving for another city where I would be far away from temptations.

At the end of that month I moved from my hometown of Oshawa to start a new life in Peterborough Ontario. Upon moving, I cut back on drinking significantly, but I was still struggling. One night, for whatever reason, decided to eat a handful of psychedelic mushrooms. Little did I know that this would be another life changing experience.

This was not a pleasant trip by any means. It was a very uncomfortable experience that had me rolling around on the floor of my bedroom in agony. Although this trip was rough, it was the best trip of my life. I made the decision then and there that I would never drink again. I woke up the next day and quit both drinking and smoking cold turkey. It's been almost four years since I've had a sip of alcohol or puff of tobacco. 

I accredit my own willpower to my success, although I do believe that both of these trips were pivotal in pushing me in the right direction.


My Beliefs About Psychedelic Medicines


Psychedelic medicines have created a lot of buzz in recent years, although, they are nothing new and have been used for thousands of years. The natives believe that psychedelics are a way for them to connect to the Divine. I believe psychedelics were given two us by the Divine. Hear me out. 

If you've never heard of ayahuasca, it is a brew that has been made in the jungle by indigenous people for centuries. The brew is made by combining and boiling two different plants. One plant contains a psychedelic known as DMT and the other contains an IOMA. 

DMT is naturally broken down by the acids in the stomach rendering it inactive. The IOMA inhibits these stomach acids from being produced, allowing the DMT to be absorbed by the body. 

Now here's the thing. I don't know if you've ever tasted ayahuasca, but I have. It is one of the most putrid tastes you could imagine. It is almost impossible to get down, and always ends in purging the liquid from your body.

Now what would be the reasoning for anybody to drink either of these foul tasting liquids and even more bizarre, mix them together with no knowledge of their chemical makeup at the time? I believe it is just something we were meant to know. As if the knowledge was given to us from a higher power. 




Whether you view psychedelic medicines as beneficial or merely as drugs, it's undeniable that they hold significant potential for treating mental health issues and addiction.

For years the pharmaceutical companies have made trillions selling drugs manufactured in labs. Psychedelic medicines like psilocybin containing mushrooms and mescaline containing cacti can be grown at home. Brews like ayahuasca can be easily made with ingredients that are readily available online. 

The natives have known about the healing properties of psychedelics for millenniums, the rest of us are just waking up to it now.  


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1 comment

As an Orthodox Christian, I agree wholeheartedly with your belief that psychedelics are a gift from the Divine (God, our Creator, the Universe…)
It’s funny, this belief was something I had always known ….
Still, I have spent much time and energy seeking confirmation of this Truth, through prayer, meditation, study, and advice of those who I believe to be more righteous/pious than myself.
I also believe that the creation of your business was no accident, and that your mission is righteous and sorely needed in today’s broken world full of broken hearts, minds, and souls.
You and Sacred Buttons will be in my prayers!!!
May you be blessed always and may you be always aware of the Love, Truth, and Beauty that surrounds you (in all circumstances)!!!

With much love,


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